We’ve all heard of hair fall, right? Have you heard of lash shedding? Many of us are not aware of this. Much like our hair, our eyelashes go through a growth cycle where they shed and regrow. Now don’t get scared when you find stray lashes on your cheeks, especially if you have opted for eyelashes extensions. Before you start panicking, read our complete guide to know all about the spring lash shed.

Let’s get into some more detail about lash shedding:

What is lash shedding?

Lash shedding is a natural occurrence where our lashes fall out and completely replenish in 60-90 days. Depending upon individual hair-growth cycles, we tend to shed an average of 1 to 5 natural lashes daily. It is all a part of the renewal cycle and, there is nothing to be alarmed about. When an eyelash falls, a new baby lash has already been growing in its place. Something that we won’t even notice!

Three stages are involved in the life cycle of the hair on the eyelid; like the hair on our head. The primary stage when a tiny lash pokes out from the lash line is called the anagen stage; lasting for 15-20 days. The good news is that a professional eyelash extensions salon can apply for extensions even at this stage. The technician needs to gently work with extensions that are short and lightweight.

What is the eyelash life cycle?

eyelash life cycle

In the catagen stage (also called the transitional stage), which is the second stage of the lash growth journey; the lashes are half-grown. This stage takes approx. 14-21 days. When extensions are applied at this stage, they last the longest due to the strength and longevity of the lashes.

The final stage, referred to as the telogen stage is the time when the lashes are at the peak of development and want to relax by taking a break from growing.  It is a bad idea to apply lash extensions at this time when the lashes are at full length and are approaching the end of the lash journey. In no time will your extensions fall with your natural lashes, making you resemble a zombie.

Why do lashes shed in the spring season?

Lash shedding is a year-round process that becomes more conspicuous in certain weather such as spring. Why is it so? Our body metabolism is such that it starts to prepare for the warmer climatic conditions during springtime. Due to this, humans tend to lose their lash hair at a faster rate. 

Additionally, the rising temps may halt lash growth as more lashes go in the resting phase, causing them to fall out. It means that clients might come running to your salon as their luscious extensions may last less long than desired. Train them about these changes in advance to save them from panic attacks.

Spring Lash Shed

High temps are equivalent to more sweating. It makes the skin oilier, weakening the effect of the lash adhesive. Even when you are on your treadmill, keep the sweat at bay with a headband to avoid your beauties from shedding prematurely.

If the skin is too dry due to lack of humidity, the hair follicles that are just under the skin become devoid of nourishment. It makes them brittle, causing them to fall prematurely.  Thus, people tend to notice additional hair and lash shedding during the beautiful spring season. Flowers bloom, and hair sheds! What a contrast, isn’t it?

What can I do to prevent lashes from shedding?

Since it is a natural process, it is not possible to prevent the lashes from shedding. To keep your lashes healthy, the rule is simple. Cleanliness! Cleanliness! Cleanliness. You need to keep your lashes in tip-top condition at all times; only then will your lash extensions last longer. Clean your eyelashes extensions properly at home every day, especially before you book your appointments.

 Allergies are common during the spring season. If you skip cleaning your eyelashes with lash extensions safe cleanser, germs are sure to build up around the lash line. Besides cleaning, brush your lashes with a clean lash wand daily to ward off any allergies.

With your lashes, shed your extensions. To keep looking gorgeous, book your refill appointments every 2-3 weeks.

How can lash salons prepare their clients for the spring shed?

A lash artist must inform every client in detail about the eyelashes extensions procedure. In addition to the do’s and don’ts of lash extensions, it is best to let your clients know what to expect when spring is approaching. Do you want your panic-stricken clients to call you with their lash woes? So it is best to warn them that every individual has a different experience based on their lash growth and strength. Some may experience heavy shedding, whereas for some it may be mild during the spring season.

Even after informing clients about spring lash shedding, if they call with a complaint of too much lash fall, check for stress on lashes. If too much weight is added to the natural lashes, it may lead to premature shedding. When the client comes for a refill, you will notice that the client will not have catagen lashes, if it is due to overloading the lashes. They will be having only the baby and mature lashes; teenage lashes will be missing.

If the shedding is too heavy, you have to go for frequent refills. So instead of an appointment in 3-4 weeks, you will have to pop at your eyelash extensions Knoxville salon in 2-weeks.

No matter what products you or your clients use, it is impossible to withhold the natural process of lash shedding. But when salons use high-grade lash glue, it will ensure a long-lasting bond through the crisp spring months. The glue must have an ideal RH range of 20-75% so that the lash extensions bond effortlessly to the natural lashes. It will promote retention so that your extensions don’t just pop off without the natural lashes.


Enjoy the fantastic spring weather to the fullest with your fluttery pieces intact by following our expert tips. Spring or fall, we have one piece of advice for our dear ladies. Never try doing eyelash extensions on yourself at home. Don’t forget to book early refills at Wisp Lashes, the best salon for lash extensions in Knoxville TN.