The delicate curves on your eyes that win all hearts – the lashes! 

Eyelashes have been a majestic feature to add more beauty to your face and transform it into a delightful appearance. Add a little pair of eyelashes to Donald Duck and you’ll get Dezi Duck,  similarly add a pair to Buggs Bunny and you’ll get Lola Bunny! Eyelashes have played a vital role in defining the true ‘face’ of your face! And if you’re looking forward to making some little changes in your eyelashes- add a little length to them, then Eyelash Extensions are an exceptional way to glorify your natural beauty.

At Wisp Lashes our synthetic mink eyelash extensions provide the much needed ravishing charm without doing any harm to your natural eyelashes and maintaining their integrity simultaneously.

Taking care of your much valuable eyelash extensions can be tedious at times, but we ensure that your lashes stay beautiful even after having spent ages with you!

Here’s a look into the best measures to follow so as to give your Eyelash Extensions Long-lasting:

1. Cleanse your eyelashes regularly.

Cleanse your eyelashes regularly

2. Adios Mascara!

Loosen that weight on your delicate lashes. Eyelash extensions relieve you from the need of using mascara, so why to increase the weight unnecessarily? If you’re used to it, then apply sparingly and use proper eye-remover makeups specially formulated for the eye area.

Adios Mascara

3. Be Gentle.

Your lashes are as delicate as your eyes are. Use a gentle face-wash and oil-free makeup remover for cleansing purposes. Even after a shower, blow-dry them with the least intensity possible and brush them down in the desired direction very carefully and lightly. Use a wet cotton bud to clean the area around the eye and eyelashes.

4. Swap out the eye cream.

Use a lightweight eye serum instead of an eye cream and make sure that it doesn’t get close to your eyes or eyelashes. These eye creams consist of oil which effectively weakens the glue of the lashes and make them fall prematurely.

5. Sleep on your back as much as possible.

It might sound weird but your lash extensions do not want to get pressed against your pillow and get suffocated! If you’ve got a habit to sleep of sleeping on your front, then avoid that if you don’t want your face to be pressed against the pillow as all that pressure on your lashes will make them fall out. So, it’s a complete ‘NO’ if you want your eyelashes extensions to last longer!

6. Avoid the 3 S’s for the first 48 hours.

Yes, the 3 S’s, i.e. Shower, Steam and Swimming for the first 48 hours of your treatment. During this time period, the glue is still settling and if it comes in contact with water in some form or the other, then your lashes may fall out easily and you don’t want to let go of your gorgeous look even before flaunting them for a while!

Eyelash Extensions Long-lasting

Pro-tip: Birds of a feather, flock together!

Always use eyelash extensions that are similar to your natural lashes. For instance,  super curly lash extensions won’t go well with straight eyelashes.

Every eyelash extensions set provided by Wisp Lashes are very much flexible to your authentic natural eyelashes and we take the utmost care in making them suit your eyes best. Getting along with your natural lashes while enhancing your innate beauty is the best advantage offered by our exquisite set of lashes. Our lashes not only adhere to your existing eyelashes but also take care of their natural existence.


So, are you ready to embrace your optic beauty with the most acclaimed eyelash extension artists out there!? Be gentle with the most delicate part of your eye and amplify the care they receive. Ditch the over-dramatic look of regular lash extensions and try our exotic collection of eyelash extensions curated for your alluring lashes.

Say ‘hello’ to noticeably impressive looks and quintessential eyes!