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Get The Desire Look You Want With Volume Eyelash Extensions

Are you on the seek for that perfect beauty treatment that not only aligns you with celebrities and influencers but also accentuates your facial features, making them truly stand out? Look no further than volume eyelash extensions; a beauty revolution taking the industry by storm. While many of us yearn for naturally full and fluffy […]


What are lash fills and why refills are a must?

A lot can happen at the bat of an eyelid. Surely your whole look can change when your eyes do the talking. Have you not noticed how your entire appearance transforms only if you do your eyes well? Luscious dark eyes are immensely attractive. They add to your beauty as well as persona. When poets […]

The difference between Classic & Volume Eyelash Extensions

The difference between Classic & Volume Eyelash Extensions

Seasons change, & so do trends in apparels, costumes & makeup change, but ever wondered what is that one thing that perhaps never goes out of trend or fashion & whose obsession remains the same for the longest time? Eyelash extensions it is darling! You can go for either Classic Eyelash Extensions or Volume Eyelash […]

classic vs volume

Classic Lashes Vs Volume Lashes – Choosing The Right Style For You

To most people, the terms “Classic” or “Volume” lashes may be a foreign language. One of the most common questions we hear as lash artists is “Should I get classic or volume lashes”. Here we’ll explain the differences between the two sets and who would benefit from which set. Classic Lashes Classic lash sets are […]